Hilly Reviews Trek Books, Trail Change…

Understanding The Weaponization Of Social Media with “LikeWar”.


I recently worked on a project related to “The Weaponization of Social Media”. While studying for my project, I had the chance to go through “LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media” by Emerson T. Brooking and P. W. Singer. This engaging book is seminal in its treatment of this complex and evolving subject. I found many insights during my reading that I could use in my work. The book deals with the subject in detail. It offers many insights that will surely expand the horizons of any of its readers.

Social media is now a place where different narratives clash. It magnifies real-world violence, like gang fights and political tensions. Social media companies now have substantial control over what appears on their platforms because of their algorithms. Everyone online plays a part in this conflict by paying attention and taking action.

“LikeWar” talks about the evolution of social media over time. It started as a communication medium but has now become a stage for various conflicts. Brooking and Singer use real-life examples to show how digital narratives affect politics and society. The scenarios include ISIS recruiting and Russia influencing the 2016 U.S. election. These examples highlight the significant impact of digital narratives on the real world.

Likewar: The Weaponization of Social Media
Social Media – started as a communication medium but has now become a stage for various conflicts.

The authors discuss how social media is used as a weapon. They look at its effects on psychology, society, and politics. They give examples like #pizzagate, the U.S. elections, and The Arab Spring. They discuss how social media is weaponized using content algorithms and bots/fake accounts. They aim to help readers understand how social media can be used as a weapon.

“LikeWar” acknowledges many challenges, such as misinformation, fake news, polarization, radicalization, and the impact on political discourse. An example is given of a Twitter user named @ReallyVirtual accidentally revealing a secret U.S. mission on Twitter. The analysis also explores solutions and countermeasures for these issues.

Towards the end, “LikeWar” discusses how social media warfare is changing. It also predicts the future of social media weaponization and warfare. It discusses AI-driven misinformation, Deepfake Realism, Neural Networks, MADCOMs, GANs, and more. The book aims to inform and prepare readers for the future of social media warfare.

Likewar: The Weaponization of Social Media
The future of social media weaponization and warfare involves AI-driven misinformation.

My only concern is that the book focuses too much on American politics and examples. The subject affects societies all over the world. The book needs more examples to appeal to a larger audience. A global perspective on the digital battlefield would help readers appreciate the topic better. And in discussions about American politics, the authors show a bias in their arguments.

The book “LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media” by Emerson T. Brooking and P. W. Singer is a seminal work. The authors studied the risks of the evolving online battlefield and raised awareness about them. The book is essential for security experts, policymakers, and everyday social media users. It helps them understand the subject better. It breaks down the subject clearly and urges readers to protect our online spaces. It is a significant addition to discussions on digital warfare, offering its readers a wake-up call on the issue.

My Rating:-

LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media: Goodreads Rating: 4.28

Reviewed On:

  • e-book
  • Total Pages: 421
  • Genre: Non-Fiction/Technology
  • LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media: Emerson T. Brooking and P. W. Singer

About the author


An Engineer by education, public servant by profession and a pet parent. A novice cyclist, avid reader, adventure and cricket enthusiast, computer gamer, chess player by passion, overall a learner at heart. Life is too short for the overwhelming variety and entirety of experiences. There are so many things to try, learn and experience.

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Hilly Reviews Trek Books, Trail Change…

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