Hilly Reviews Trek Books, Trail Change…

Letter to Shrivi


This conversation with you was long pending; somehow, while you’re not around with me to occupy my evenings, I find it’s the best time to pen my words and have this conversation with you. While this will be a routine affair in times to come, the start needs to be made somewhere, so let’s start with this first one.

01st of February, 2023


Dear Shrivi,

You came into our lives on the 9th of August 2022, and ever since then, we have enjoyed every moment with you. Your presence has brought a new breath of positivity into our lives, and you are growing daily at such a rapid pace that time seems to fly by. It seems like you were born just yesterday, but when I look back at your pictures, I realise your rapid growth.

Newborn Shrivi with Papa.

This conversation with you was long pending; somehow, while you’re not around with me to occupy my evenings, I find it’s the best time to pen my words and have this conversation with you. While this will be a routine affair in times to come, the start needs to be made somewhere, so let’s start with this first one.

Shrivi in her peaceful sleep at Muzaffarpur.

While rapidly growing, all your loved ones around you will have a specific idea of what role their thoughts, belief/value systems should have on your upbringing.

Shrivi on her first family outing.

The impact of each value will be differential and largely depend upon their proximity and impact on your life. In the end, as you grow up, it relies entirely upon you on what you want to assimilate and how much you want to adapt to the existing value systems. Let me assure you that no one will impose upon you to adopt certain standards and value systems. You can have faith in your parents that you can be whatever you want, and you will always find steady support in us. 

Shrivi’s first soft toy.

If one thing I would want you to have from both of us, I would hope that you have a heart like your mother, full of kindness and compassion. Empathy and compassion are not measured by how you treat your loved ones but by how you treat unknown people or people who don’t matter to you.

Pregnancy glow.

Sometimes I am pleasantly amazed by her random acts of kindness towards unfamiliar people. One of the incidents I particularly remember is when I found a puppy who had an accident while I was on official duty. I got him to our home, and we tried to treat and take care of him, but the poor fellow couldn’t survive a few days. And after he died, she cried her heart out, despite only knowing him for a few days. And when we had the opportunity to get a new dog, she named him in his memory.

boss shrivi
Boss Shrivi.

While you have a long road ahead of you, one piece of advice which I want you to give early from my life experiences is to stand up to bullies. It would be best if you learned that early as they come in all shapes and sizes and all spheres of life. Bullying only lasts until you don’t make a stand, and a bully hates confrontation. As far as I remember, I have always stood up to such bullies. This is one lesson I learned early and has kept me in good stead. As you regularly encounter them in all spheres of life, the only way out is to confront a bully for what they are, and things fall into place then.

You don’t need to change yourself for the world around you. As I said, you could be whatever you want to be. Always remember that the opinions of unknown people who don’t matter much in life are irrelevant, and there is no point in struggling to prove yourself to the unknowns, as people who love you will love you for what you’re, and they love you with all your imperfections. Just maintain your originality, and you can always count on your family when in trouble. Just keep in mind that family is family, no matter what.

You have a long road ahead of you

This is just the first communication; I don’t want it to be long, and I will share my experiences with you as you grow up and increase your understanding.

Love you always,

Yours loving Papa.

Your presence has brought a new breath of positivity into our lives

About the author


An Engineer by education, public servant by profession and a pet parent. A novice cyclist, avid reader, adventure and cricket enthusiast, computer gamer, chess player by passion, overall a learner at heart. Life is too short for the overwhelming variety and entirety of experiences. There are so many things to try, learn and experience.

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Hilly Reviews Trek Books, Trail Change…

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